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Things That God Honors According to Scripture

God is holy, righteous, and just, and He has revealed through His Word what He honors. The Bible makes it clear that God values certain attitudes, actions, and principles, and when we align with these, we walk in His favor. Below are some of the key things God honors according to Scripture.

1. God Honors His Word Above All

📖 “I will worship toward Your holy temple, and praise Your name for Your lovingkindness and Your truth; for You have magnified Your word above all Your name.” (Psalm 138:2, KJV)

God places His Word above even His own name, meaning that He is bound to His promises and truth. Unlike humans, He never lies or changes His mind (Numbers 23:19).

His Word is eternal and unchanging (Isaiah 40:8).
God honors those who stand on His Word in faith (Hebrews 11:6).
God will fulfill every promise He has spoken (Jeremiah 1:12).

💡 Application:

  • Trust God’s Word above circumstances or feelings.
  • Speak, declare, and stand on His promises.

2. God Honors Faith

📖 “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who earnestly seek Him.” (Hebrews 11:6)

God honors faith because it shows trust in Him. Many miracles in Scripture were activated by faith:

  • The woman with the issue of blood was healed because of her faith (Mark 5:34).
  • The centurion’s servant was healed from a distance because of his faith (Matthew 8:5-13).

Faith moves God (Mark 11:22-24).
Faith in Jesus brings salvation (Romans 10:9).

💡 Application:

  • Trust God even when things seem impossible.
  • Take bold steps of faith in obedience to His Word.

3. God Honors Humility

📖 “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (James 4:6)

God hates pride but exalts the humble.

  • Jesus taught that those who humble themselves will be exalted (Luke 14:11).
  • King Nebuchadnezzar was humbled by God when he became proud, but was restored after he recognized God’s sovereignty (Daniel 4:37).

God lifts up those who humble themselves (1 Peter 5:6).
Pride leads to destruction, but humility leads to honor (Proverbs 29:23).

💡 Application:

  • Be teachable and willing to submit to God’s correction.
  • Serve others without seeking recognition.

4. God Honors Obedience

📖 “To obey is better than sacrifice.” (1 Samuel 15:22)

God values obedience over religious rituals.

  • Abraham obeyed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness (Genesis 22:18).
  • Saul disobeyed God, and he lost his kingship (1 Samuel 15:22-23).

Obedience leads to God’s blessings (Deuteronomy 28:1-14).
Obedience proves our love for God (John 14:15).

💡 Application:

  • Listen to God’s instructions and obey immediately.
  • Even when obedience is difficult, trust that God honors it.

5. God Honors Those Who Honor Him

📖 “Those who honor me I will honor, but those who despise me will be disdained.” (1 Samuel 2:30)

God reciprocates honor to those who honor Him.

  • Daniel refused to compromise, and God honored him before kings (Daniel 6:3).
  • The three Hebrew men refused to bow to idols, and God protected them in the fire (Daniel 3:16-28).

Honoring God brings favor and promotion.
Honoring God means putting Him first in everything.

💡 Application:

  • Put God first in all decisions and actions.
  • Live with integrity, even when no one is watching.

6. God Honors Those Who Fear Him

📖 “The Lord takes pleasure in those who fear Him, in those who hope in His mercy.” (Psalm 147:11)

The fear of the Lord is reverence, awe, and obedience toward God.

  • The midwives in Egypt feared God, so He honored them with families (Exodus 1:17-21).
  • Cornelius feared God, and God sent Peter to preach salvation to his household (Acts 10:1-4).

The fear of the Lord leads to wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).
Those who fear God receive divine protection and favor (Psalm 34:7).

💡 Application:

  • Honor God in all areas of life—speech, thoughts, actions.
  • Let reverence for God guide your daily decisions.

7. God Honors Generosity and Giving

📖 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over.” (Luke 6:38)

God blesses those who give with a sincere heart.

  • The widow at Zarephath gave her last meal, and God provided for her (1 Kings 17:10-16).
  • Cornelius’ generosity was remembered by God (Acts 10:4).

God loves a cheerful giver (2 Corinthians 9:6-7).
Giving opens doors for supernatural provision (Malachi 3:10).

💡 Application:

  • Give with a joyful heart, not out of obligation.
  • Trust God to be your provider when you sow generously.

8. God Honors Righteousness and Integrity

📖 “The integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity.” (Proverbs 11:3)

God honors those who walk in righteousness and integrity.

  • Joseph refused to sin with Potiphar’s wife, and God elevated him (Genesis 39:6-9).
  • David, though imperfect, sought after God’s heart, and God established his throne (1 Samuel 13:14).

Walking in righteousness brings stability and favor (Psalm 84:11).
Integrity keeps you from falling into sin and deception.

💡 Application:

  • Live in truth, even when no one is watching.
  • Uphold righteousness in work, business, and relationships.

Final Thoughts: God Honors Those Who Seek Him

If we desire God’s honor, favor, and blessing, we must align our lives with what He values. Living in faith, humility, obedience, generosity, and righteousness draws God’s favor upon us.

Summary of What God Honors:

1️⃣ His Word – Trust and live by it (Psalm 138:2).
2️⃣ Faith – Walk by faith, not by sight (Hebrews 11:6).
3️⃣ Humility – God exalts the humble (James 4:6).
4️⃣ Obedience – It is better than sacrifice (1 Samuel 15:22).
5️⃣ Honor Toward Him – God reciprocates honor (1 Samuel 2:30).
6️⃣ Fear of the Lord – It brings wisdom (Proverbs 9:10).
7️⃣ Generosity – Giving opens doors of blessing (Luke 6:38).
8️⃣ Righteousness – God rewards integrity (Proverbs 11:3).

📌 Reflection Question: Which of these areas do you need to focus on in your life? How can you honor God more in your daily walk?

Would you like prayers for walking in what God honors or a study plan on these topics? 😊


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