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Deliverance Prayers for Repenting and Renouncing New Age Practices

(Including meditation for joy, love, soulmates, channeling, money-making, chakras, auras, emotions, visiting other realms, and womb meditations.)

The Bible warns against spiritual practices that seek supernatural experiences apart from God and the Holy Spirit. Engaging in New Age meditation, channeling, chakras, aura cleansing, or spirit travel without Jesus opens doors to demonic deception. But the good news is that through repentance, renunciation, and the power of Jesus Christ, you can be set free!

📖 Deuteronomy 18:10-12“Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. Anyone who does these things is detestable to the Lord.”

📖 John 14:6“Jesus answered, ‘I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.’”

Before You Pray

Find a quiet place to focus on prayer
Pray aloud with authority (Luke 10:19)
Be specific when naming the sin or practice you engaged in
If possible, fast for deeper spiritual breakthrough (Matthew 17:21)
Destroy any objects, books, crystals, or items linked to New Age practices (Acts 19:19)

1. Prayer of Repentance for New Age Practices

"Heavenly Father, I come before You in the name of Jesus Christ. I confess that I have participated in New Age practices, seeking power, love, money, and supernatural experiences outside of You. I now realize that these things have opened doors to deception and demonic influence in my life. I repent for putting my trust in anything other than You, Jesus, and I ask for Your forgiveness. I renounce every form of New Age meditation, energy healing, chakra activation, aura cleansing, soul travel, and seeking guidance from spirits apart from the Holy Spirit. I reject every false teaching and lie of the enemy. Lord, wash me clean with the blood of Jesus and break every spiritual tie I have formed through these practices. I surrender my heart, mind, body, and soul completely to You. Fill me with Your Holy Spirit and lead me in Your truth. In Jesus’ name, Amen."

2. Prayer to Renounce and Break Demonic Ties from New Age Meditation

"In the name of Jesus Christ, I renounce every ungodly meditation practice I have engaged in, including mindfulness, transcendental meditation, and meditations focused on manifesting joy, love, soulmates, money, or personal desires outside of God’s will. I renounce using meditation to open my mind to spirits, energies, and realms that are not from God. I break every demonic stronghold that entered through these practices and command every unclean spirit associated with them to leave me now in Jesus' name!"

"I renounce the spirit of deception, false peace, counterfeit love, greed, and control that have influenced my life. I reject every false light and any spirits of divination, false prophecy, or false guidance that I have welcomed through meditation. I declare that my mind belongs to Jesus Christ, and I submit my thoughts to the authority of Christ alone (2 Corinthians 10:5). I cancel every legal right that demons have had over my life through these meditations, and I command them to go now, in the mighty name of Jesus! Amen."

3. Prayer to Break Soul Ties from "Soulmate" Manifestation and Love Meditations

"Father God, I repent for trying to control my love life and attract soulmates through New Age teachings and meditations. I renounce every word, thought, and visualization I used to summon a romantic partner apart from Your will. I break every ungodly soul tie I formed through these practices. I declare that my relationships will be led by You, Lord, and not by manipulation or spiritual deception. I command every spirit of false love, lust, obsession, and soul manipulation to leave me now in the name of Jesus! Lord, fill me with Your true love and peace, and guide me to relationships that glorify You. Amen."

4. Prayer to Break Involvement with Channeling and Spirit Guides

"In the name of Jesus, I renounce and reject every spirit I have invited into my life through channeling, divination, or seeking messages from the spiritual realm apart from the Holy Spirit. I repent for trying to receive guidance from spirits instead of seeking You, Lord. I break every agreement I made with familiar spirits, spirit guides, ancestors, or ascended masters. I command every lying spirit, demon of false light, and deception to leave me now in Jesus' name! I ask the Holy Spirit to be my only guide, and I surrender completely to His direction. In Jesus’ name, Amen."

5. Prayer to Renounce Chakras, Auras, and Energy Manipulation

"Father God, I renounce all practices related to chakras, energy healing, Reiki, and aura cleansing. I repent for believing that my body has energy centers that need to be activated, rather than relying on You alone for healing and wholeness. I break every spiritual connection I have made through chakra meditations, Kundalini awakening, and energy alignments. I command every demonic spirit attached to these practices to leave me now in the name of Jesus Christ! I declare that my body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 6:19), and I reject every false spirit that has entered through these rituals. Fill me, Lord, with Your true light and presence. Amen."

6. Prayer Against Illegal Spirit Travel and Visiting Other Realms

"Heavenly Father, I repent for attempting to enter the spiritual realm through astral projection, guided meditations, and occult practices without the Holy Spirit. I renounce every attempt I made to visit higher realms, interact with spirits, or gain secret knowledge outside of Your will. I reject and cancel any spiritual contracts I made with entities in other dimensions. I close every spiritual door I opened through these practices and command every demonic spirit attached to them to leave in Jesus' name! I submit my soul, mind, and spirit to the authority of Jesus Christ alone. Amen."

7. Prayer to Renounce Womb Meditations and Feminine Spirituality Practices

"Father, I repent for engaging in womb meditations, goddess spirituality, and feminine energy rituals that are not of You. I renounce every spiritual connection I made through these practices and reject any false power, wisdom, or healing that came from them. I declare that my identity is found in Jesus Christ alone, not in divine feminine teachings or rituals. I command every demonic spirit that entered through these practices to leave me now in Jesus' name! Fill me, Lord, with Your true peace and purpose. Amen."

Final Prayer for Filling with the Holy Spirit

"Holy Spirit, I invite You to take full control of my life. Fill every area where darkness once dwelled. Guide me in all truth, and help me to grow in righteousness. I cover myself with the blood of Jesus, and I declare that I am free! Thank You, Lord, for delivering me and making me a new creation in Christ. In Jesus’ name, Amen!"

Next Steps After Deliverance

Destroy all New Age materials, books, crystals, and objects tied to these practices
Spend time daily in prayer and Bible study
Stay connected to strong believers and a Bible-teaching church
Guard your mind against deception and resist temptations to return

📖 John 8:36“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.”

You are now set free in Jesus' name! Stay strong in the Lord! 


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